
Showing posts from 2018

A fitnah for the hujjaj. Translated by Umme Fardeen

Alhamdulilah as every year thousands of Muslims will visit the Baitullah (House of Allah). After performing the umrah the precious moment starts when every haji will travel to this holy place to complete his pilgrimage.An unforgettable moment for every Muslim and one which all of us wants to experience. Dear brothers and sisters. Every deed depends on the intention we make. Our hajj and every other ibadah need to be performed only for the sake of Allah. No other creature has the right to be a part of this ibaadah. Our Hajj Umrah Tawaaf is only and only for Allah. There is no need for others to be a part of this. A Fitnah for the hujjaj. The community we live in nowadays is one where everything is posted on social media. People post everything on Facebook Twitter Instagram etc. and just wait for the comments.The hujjaj are also involved in this fitnah. Every year we see our Muslim brothers and sisters visit the holy places and keeping themselves busy with click...

Giving Salaam on entering the masjid.

Bismillahir Rohmanir Roheem To greet a Muslim brother or sister with Asalaamu Alaikum is a blessing. In the Sunnah of Rasulullah ﷺ , innumerable virtues are mentioned. Although there are certain times, not to give salaam to the Muslim brothers or sisters.  The Fuqeha have also listed certain moments when someone salutes, they must not give an answer, so that he/she becomes aware that this is not a moment or place to salute. One of the moments and places is when you enter the mosque. One should not greet each other in the mosque, especially when it comes to someone waiting for the prayer. People who wait for prayer are themselves in ibadah (worship), even though they are not engaged in tasbeeh or any other kind of zikr. Waiting for prayer is itself a worship. So in such a moment, it is not allowed to give the salaam or musafaha (handshaking). One should quietly go into the mosque and keep himself busy in the zikr of Allah. The fuqeha themselves have mentioned t...

If the3 days and 40 days are biddah, then is holding taziyati juloos also a biddah.

Bismillahir Rohmanir Roheem It has become a trend to organize a taziyati jalsa after the death of Alim. This jalsa is mostly in the remembrance of the deceased. In this jalsa his excellence is been spoken and what people have experience etc. But what’s the ruling regarding this type of juloos? First of all, we need to understand what taziyah is. According to the shariah taziyah means:   offering condolences to the family of the deceased.                                                                                          ...

اصحاب راي في صحيحين People of Ray in the Sahihayn

Very often, we students in the madaris get attracted from certain muslim brothers who are new to Islam or have some knowledge on certain topics and begin to debate with others. They have been given some clue words and because of less Mutala and not going in debt in such topics, we students get stuck to get an answer. For some people is this an opportunity to get to know this type of abhaath and going on a further mutala , whereas for most of the students it’s an unanswered question which later on has a result that these students become affected by these groups and leave there manhaj (way), thinking that this is not authentic enough in the field of dalail. One of these attacks which we students face is to be called the Ahlul Ray. Due to the fact that we follow the Hanafi Fiqh, we are called:   “the Ahlul Ray”. If these people where to ask who are the ahlul ray, they say, those who leave the quran and sunnah and follow their own opinion. These people are the Ahlul ...

Qurbani was wajib and he did nor do the Qurbani


When is qurbani waajib?


Women travel for Haj without mahram


They want to make us, how they want to see us.

  ﷽ Denmark has banned the wearing of face veils in public, joining France and other European countries in outlawing the burqa and the niqab is worn by some Muslim women. A country where they insult the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and give the name of free speech. What is their objective? All the countries who have banned and will ban the niqab and burqa in their countries are lying to the world. In the name of democracy, terrorism, security, they want to change what we are.  They want to make us, how they want to see us. They are oppressing the Muslims because we are not ready to be what they want to make us. Is not the first time. Europe is the place where Islam is growing. This is the place where hundreds of non-Muslim convert themselves as a Muslim. This attack on the Islam will make it difficult to practice the Islam in these countries. But this is not the first time these people have taken this step.  The first attack is always on the w...